Supporting Energy Conservation

We propose energy-saving solutionsthat utilize LPG.

We propose energy-saving solutions that utilize LPG.

Utilization of LPG in Industrial Applications

The Japanese government's announcement that the nation will achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 will require significant changes in energy use in the industrial sector. To achieve carbon neutrality in the future, it is imperative that business operators take action now to implement thorough energy conservation measures. Given Japan's geographical features, which make it prone to natural disasters, it is particularly important to follow the “3E+S” principle: based on the fundamental principle of safety assurance (Safety), to establish a stable energy supply (Energy Security), and achieve a low-cost energy supply through improved economic efficiency (Economic Efficiency), while at the same time endeavoring to ensure due care for the environment (Environment). LPG is a clean, environmentally-friendly gas-based energy source that is highly energy-efficient due to its excellent combustion properties. LPG supply is highly stable both in normal times and in emergencies, and it has accordingly been positioned as the “final stronghold” energy source in Japan's Strategic Energy Plan. For the aforementioned reasons, LPG is an extremely valuable energy source for industrial use, that can contribute to comprehensive energy conservation efforts while fulfilling “3E+S” requirements.

Industrial Fuel Conversion Initiatives

Industrial Fuel Conversion Initiatives

We propose optimal energy and equipment solutions for heating equipment such as boilers and air conditioning systems, considering the ideal mix of LPG and other energies. Utilizing LPG can make it possible to not only conserve energy but also to save electricity, deliver environmental performance, ensure BCP readiness, and reduce labor needed. We welcome inquiries from businesses in the industrial sector looking to improve their energy utilization.

Industrial Fuel Conversion Initiatives
Industrial Fuel Conversion Initiatives
Industrial Fuel Conversion Initiatives

Dr. Home Energy

What is Dr. Home Energy?

We offer home energy diagnosis services through our distributors, under the brand name “Dr. Home Energy.”
In this service, a certified diagnostician* performs an energy efficiency and conservation assessment of the home and provides comprehensive energy performance advice tailored to the household's overall energy use (electricity, gas, kerosene, etc.), as well as its members' lifestyles and life plans.
* At Dr. Home Energy, personnel responsible for assessing the energy efficiency of customers' homes are referred to as “certified diagnosticians”.

Dr. Home Energy