We are committed to helping our diverse customers, both internally and externally, overcome their challenges.
A Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization
ENEOS GLOBE Corporation was selected as a Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (SME category) in the 2023 recognition program. Each fiscal year, we set policies in each of the following categories: “preventing and managing lifestyle-related diseases,” “preventing neurological and cardiac disorders via overwork reduction,” “preventing mental health disorders and promoting a stress-free workplace,” and “preventing infectious diseases.” Based on these policies, we have worked to develop a range of programs to support employee health, including offering opportunities to undergo comprehensive medical checkups. Our ongoing efforts were acknowledged with selection as a Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (SME category) in the 2023 recognition program.
About the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program
The Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program is a system that recognizes companies, including both large enterprises and SMEs that have implemented particularly outstanding health management initiatives, based on their activities in line with community health challenges and the health promotion initiatives promoted by Nippon Kenko Kaigi.
By showcasing the efforts of companies at the forefront of corporate health management initiatives, the program aims to create an environment in which these organizations can earn societal recognition from stakeholders such as employees, job seekers, affiliated companies, and financial institutions as companies that view employee health management from a management perspective and are making strategic efforts to improve the health of their employees.
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Kurumin Certification
ENEOS GLOBE Corporation obtained the Kurumin certification in 2020. We have worked hard to create a supportive environment that allows all employees to perform their full potential by ensuring that they are able to balance work and parenting responsibilities.
We developed a three-year action plan spanning from April 2017 to March 2020, and were awarded Kurumin certification for achieving the goals set out in this plan.
About Kurumin
Kurumin is a certification as a company that supports child-raising issued by Japan's Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare to companies that formulate an action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, and achieve the targets set out in their plan.
Note: The Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children was enacted in April 2005 (a 10 year temporary legislation) in the midst of Japan's rapidly declining birthrate in order to foster the sound development of the children who will lead the future society. The Act was later revised to extend it for 10 years until 2025.
![Kurumin Mark](/sustainable/images/society_esg03.jpg)