ENEOS GLOBE Corporation aims to developand construct optimal governance systemsin order to ensure sound management andfulfill its corporate social responsibility.
ENEOS GLOBE Corporation aims to develop and construct optimal governance systemsin order to ensure sound management and fulfill its corporate social responsibility.
Corporate Governance
As a member of the ENEOS Group, we recognize the importance of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) management based on the ENEOS Group Philosophy and the ENEOS Group Code of Conduct, and are committed to achieving sustainable growth and enhancing mid- to long-term corporate value through the establishment and operation of sound corporate governance systems.
the ENEOS Group Philosophy and the ENEOS Group Code of Conduct (817KB)
Risk Management
ENEOS GLOBE Corporation has established the Basic Policy on Internal Control System for the development and implementation of a system for ensuring the appropriateness of our business operations.
Major Initiatives
Internal Control and Legal Compliance Inspections
We conduct internal control and legal compliance inspections annually as a voluntary initiative to ascertain the status of internal control and legal compliance at each work site.
Specifically, we inspect each business operation to ascertain compliance with Group-wide rules (internal control standards) and whether the corporate culture values integrity and ethics. In addition, given the rapidly changing management environment, we use a risk control matrix (RCM) to ascertain whether risks have been appropriately identified and assessed, and whether effective controls for these risks have been developed and implemented. We also utilize interviews of all staff by managers to identify compliance issues, including questions and concerns, in order to prevent legal violations and to identify and correct any issues at an early stage.
Crisis Management
ENEOS GLOBE Group has systems in place to respond quickly and appropriately in accordance with the Rules for Responding to Crises and Emergencies and to minimize any damage that may occur in the event of a crisis situation that could significantly affect the management of the Group.
Our basic stance on crisis situations is to place the highest priority on protecting human life, issue information promptly and implement centralized information management; quickly determine, execute, and follow up the most effective response measures; implement transparent and smooth communications; and prevent recurrence.
In addition, depending on the magnitude of the crisis, we may set up a response headquarters, and organize response teams at the head office and at the site of the incident to ensure an agile and effective response.
Health and Safety Management
We appoint health supervisors or health promotion personnel at each of our business sites in accordance with laws and regulations.
Health and Safety Committee
We hold Health and Safety Committee meetings in order to protect and improve the safety and health of our employees in compliance with health and safety related laws and regulations.
Assignment of Health and Safety Managers
We appoint dedicated health supervisors, health and safety promotion personnel, or health promotion personnel as necessary at each of our business sites in accordance with laws and regulations.
We ensure that the work environment is properly sanitized and that the health of our employees is properly managed.
Information Security
Company information is an important asset of the Group, and we work to prevent the improper use, disclosure, or leakage of this information in accordance with the Basic Rules for Information Security. The Group also strives to maintain information accuracy and reliability and to prevent falsification or mishandling while ensuring that information is available to authorized users when needed.
In addition, we have developed personal information protection procedures and established rules to ensure compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act and the appropriate handling of personal information to protect people's rights.
We also conduct IT security training and targeted email drills for all employees on a regular basis in order to further strengthen our personal information management framework and ensure proper management of personal information.
Cybersecurity Measures
In order to protect its important information and systems from cyberattacks, which have become stealthier in recent years, we have implemented through cybersecurity measures based on the IT Security Basic Procedures for ENEOS Group.
For employees, as ongoing initiatives, we conduct drills and issue reminders on the handling of suspicious emails, as well as providing security training.
ENEOS GLOBE Corporation is committed to ensuring thorough compliance based on the Code of Conduct below, in line with the high ethical standards stipulated in the ENEOS Group Philosophy.
ENEOS Group Code of Conduct (Extracted)
(1) We ensure compliance with laws, contracts, and corporate regulations and follow social norms and customs in an appropriate manner.
(2) We shall neither ignore nor participate in any compliance violations.
Major Initiatives
Compliance Training
Strong awareness among all officers and employees is an important element in achieving thorough compliance. To this end, we issue ENEOS Group Philosophy cards to all personnel and provide annual compliance training for all officers and employees, as well as regularly providing internal communication on laws and regulations to enhance the compliance awareness of officers and employees.
Operation of Internal Reporting Systems
To enable prompt detection and corrective action in the event of compliance matters, we maintain Whistle-blowing systems (compliance hotlines) for our employees and those of contractor companies. Persons making reports have the option of identifying themselves or remaining anonymous, and the systems also facilitate contact with reporting contacts outside the companies.
Based on internal regulations, when a report is received, the content is reported to the relevant officers, including the president, and an investigation is launched. The investigation results and any necessary corrective and recurrence prevention measures are reported to the officers, and a response is carried out under their guidance. Individuals who identify themselves when making reports are also informed of the investigation results.
To ensure that employees do not hesitate to use the system, they are informed through the intranet, posters, and training that the identity of those making reports is strictly confidential and that employees using the system will not suffer any disadvantages.
Compliance with Competition Laws
ENEOS GLOBE Corporation maintains a policy that the entire Group must thoroughly comply with competition law (the Antimonopoly Act). We have put into place necessary company rules, and work to ensure that all officers and employees maintain full compliance with competition laws.
Specifically, we have established Guidelines for Compliance with Competition Laws, which strictly prohibits officers and employees from engaging in any activity, including cartels, that violates competition laws.
In addition, our legal division checks each department every year for planned contactswith business competitors, assessing those contacts for competition law risks, and requesting the submission of meeting records detailing the contacts.
We also conduct competition law compliance training for officers and employees on a regular and ongoing basis.
Prevention of Bribery and Corruption
In order to prevent bribery and corruption, we have adopted a policy of zero tolerance and developed the internal rules necessary for this purpose. In addition, all officers and employees strive to ensure compliance, based on a clear commitment to the prevention of bribery and corruption from our top management.
Specifically, we have established Anti- Corruption Guidelines that explicitly prohibit bribery and corruption, as well as systems for thoroughly checking travel expenses, entertainment, gifts, and donations that may raise suspicions of bribery or corruption.
These guidelines are published on the company intranet so that employees can reference them at any time, and thoroughly communicated to employees through compliance training on prevention of bribery and corruption.